Premier single de l'album Wild is the Flower
Je suis très heureuse de vous présenter Wild Is The Flower, le premier single de mon deuxième album. Cette composition originale est un véritable manifeste de notre époque. À travers cette chanson, j’ai souhaité exprimer les changements que nous vivons, où les femmes, comme en témoigne l’affaire Gisèle Pélicot, trouvent enfin la force de briser les silences, de surmonter leurs peurs et de revendiquer la place qui leur revient dans la société.
Le chemin est encore long, mais chaque voix qui s’élève contribue à cette transformation essentielle. J’espère que cette chanson saura vous toucher.
"Following Love" the album
An elegant and sparkling jazz.
From Joey Starr to Michy Green via Hubert-Felix Thiéfaine, Faby Médina navigates between music, sings alongside many French or international artists and is nourished by all these encounters.
First a chorister, then a soloist, today an author, composer and performer, the female voice of Mr. Claude Bolling's Big Band for 15 years, takes off. Faby dares to compose between swing and be-bop by adding a pinch of pop in the arrangements, a touch of soul in the voice and sometimes a ray of sunshine in the rhythms that speak to us of his roots. Through his texts, Faby tells us about the intoxication of his new encounters, of those that impact us and change everything, the void left by a loved one or the joy of a birth. Moments of life crossed with poetry. Originals, therefore, but also covers of great standards such as Someone to watch over me by George Gershwin, Early autumn by Woody Herman and a nod to pop with Blackbird by the Beatles composed in homage to the fight of black Americans for their rights. civic.
Between sweetness and intensity, with a refined voice, Faby writes his own story with “Following Love” a very personal first album, a new flavor for vocal jazz.
"Following Love" the album
MizikOpéyi, The Kréyol big band
Created and directed in 2006 by Tony Chasseur (singer and conductor) and Thierry Vaton (piano, musical direction), MizikOpéyi churns Creole jazz, a mix of traditional West Indian rhythms and Afro-Caribbean melodies on jazz arrangements. Endowed with seventeen musicians, the Creole Big Band sails under the winds of twelve brass instruments, in the great tradition of the big bands of New Orleans. Already four records to the credit of this island MizikOpéyi, including De Racines Et D'Influences (2008) awarded by the Sacem.
"Following Love" the album
Claude Bolling & Friends
"With Claude Bolling & Friends, the master of the Big Band offers classical jazz in reduced formation. Bollington's writing skills combined with the brilliance of his guest instrumentalists allow a refined approach to a music they have excelled in playing for over 20 years. of twenty five years in big band.
"A Claude Bolling pianist and a lovingly sophisticated feeling of generosity which gives this album the status of an ambassador of the ever-current liveliness of classical jazz"
Patrick Fremeaux